Empowering Progress
Through Human-Machine Synergy

At Human Machine Collaboration Institute, we are at the forefront of bridging the gap between human potential and technological advancement. Our diverse initiatives in education, research, community, and consulting engagements are designed to foster a future where technology and humanity not only coexist but thrive together


Pioneering the Frontiers of
Human-Machine Interaction

Our research division is dedicated to exploring new horizons in human-machine potential.

R & D Areas 

We conduct pioneering studies and develop innovative technologies that enhance the symbiotic relationship between humans and intelligent systems. Our research not only informs our educational and consulting services but also contributes significantly to the global conversation on technology and society.

Open-Source Research

• Our project draws inspiration from the open-source software development community, which has revolutionized software creation through collaboration.

• We hypothesize that open-source principles are ideally suited for consciousness research, which thrives on interdisciplinary contributions and consensus-building.

• We already identified numerous qualified individuals—holders of PhDs or those with substantial research experience—who currently lack the opportunity to employ their skills. These individuals are eager to contribute to the ongoing development of knowledge.

• To initiate our research, we will appoint a Principal Investigator (PI) for each of our focus areas. Our methodologies will include analyzing existing datasets with new perspectives and replicating studies to gain fresh insights.

Become a part of the community—

Sign-up to be a open-source researcher.

Join us in shaping the future of human-machine collaboration.

Our Moonshot Goal 
At HMCI we know that to move humanity forward we need to have a deeper understanding of consciousness. Therefore, our moonshot goal is to develop a unified theory of consciousness.  
If you are interest in this work, have ideas, or would like to collaborate please